Five Minute Friday: Easy

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Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Except nothing ever is. I was listening to Jonathan Edward words last night, and he confirmed my suspicions.

Life in the kingdom is a balancing act of rest, and pressing on. Do you expect it to be easy? He asked in his stern Puritan phraseology.

I shake my head, but…

No buts. The Christian life is sometimes as far from easy, as Christ has taken our sins from us. The east to west.

With our new hearts, comes new will to serve, but this fleshly world is the techno colours flashing in our eyes.

Did I expect it to be easy? No. Perhaps I didn’t always expect it to be hard either.

You know what is easy though? Believing that God will rescue us from our darkest places. That He will point out the path ahead. That He will lead the way even in the hard spots.

Hard for us. Easy for Him. Which is why we can close our eyes at night.

At rest.



5 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Easy

  1. So true- the Christian life is not easy at times, but I love that even when it’s hard for us it’s easy for Him and we can trust Him to help and guide us.


  2. I love the way you ended this. I get so wrapped up in what is hard for me that I sometimes forget the ease with which God cares for us so completely.

